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September 11, 2001 Oral Histories


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    Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle on September 11, 2001

    Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) was among the congressional leaders evacuated by helicopter to a secure undisclosed location on September 11, 2001. He recounted his experien…

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    Mary Matalin on September 11, 2001

    Mary Matalin was a top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney and was with him on September 11, 2001, when the Secret Service physically removed him from the White House offices to a secure bunk…

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    Gary Walters on September 11, 2001

    Former White House Chief Usher Gary Walters talked about the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. He stayed at his post in the evacuated White House, seeing to the needs of the president…

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    Rear Admiral David Thomas on September 11, 2001

    Rear Admiral David Thomas described his actions on September 11, 2001. Then a captain, he was at a meeting at the Pentagon when terrorists attacks began. He described the inside of the burni…

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    Major Heather Penney on September 11, 2001

    Major Heather Penney talked about her actions on September 11, 2001. Then a lieutenant, she was one of the first District of Columbia Air National Guard F-16 pilots scrambled from Andrews Ai…

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    Mary Beth Cahill on September 11, 2001

    Mary Beth Cahill talked about the events of September 11, 2001, when she was Senator Edward Kennedy’s chief of staff. She recalled that first lady Laura Bush arrived on Capitol Hill early th…

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    John Jester on September 11, 2001

    John Jester talked about the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the Pentagon. He was in his Pentagon office that morning as he heard a low rumble as a commercial plane tore through the …

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    Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert on September 11, 2001

    Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert reflected on how the terrorist attacks transformed him into a wartime speaker. He described flying over the Pentagon in a helicopter as he was take…