Preparing for Civil Disorder

Panelists discussed preparations for civil disorder, focusing on the increasing violence in inner cities. Mr. Tafoya is an expert in the fut… read more

Panelists discussed preparations for civil disorder, focusing on the increasing violence in inner cities. Mr. Tafoya is an expert in the future of police work. The panelists particularly blame the growth of crime for the increase in poverty and its accompanying hopelessness and anger. Program ends abruptly. close

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  • Lee Brown President International Assn. of Chiefs of Police
  • Antony Pate Director Police Foundation->Research
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Preparing for Civil Disorder

Program ID:
Public Affairs Event
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
First Aired:
Apr 08, 1993 | 11:34am EDT | C-SPAN 2
Last Aired:
Apr 11, 1993 | 10:09pm EDT | C-SPAN 1

Airing Details

  • Apr 08, 1993 | 11:34am EDT | C-SPAN 2
  • Apr 09, 1993 | 2:56am EDT | C-SPAN 1
  • Apr 11, 1993 | 10:09pm EDT | C-SPAN 1
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Preparing for Civil Disorder

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