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Clippers12's MyC-SPAN

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    House Session

    The House heard one minute speeches from Representatives responding to the recent police brutality incident in Los Angeles. The House filed three report, including H.R. 355, to amend drought assistance proposals, H.R. 805, to restore the effectiveness of the Export Enhancement Program, and H.R. 751, to enhance the literacy and basic skills of adults in the United States.

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    Conflict in Somalia

    Representative Mervyn Dymally discussed the famine and civil war in Somalia after a recent fact finding mission there. He described the desperate situation with famine and homelessness in the troubled country. He compared it with similar famines in Sudan and Ethiopia and pointed out the lack of government and the chaotic control in the country by the various armed factions. He then answered viewers' questions on famine elsewhere in Africa, future trade to Africa from America and Europe and whether spending should be better spent in the U.S. to deal with domestic issues.

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    Congressional Departure

    Standing in front of the U.S. Capitol, six-term Congressman Mervyn Dymally discussed his experiences as the first foreign-born black in Congress. He will not be returning in January.