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Ajawha Harrison's MyC-SPAN

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    Life and Career of I. King Jordan

    I. King Jordan is the president of Gallaudet University in Washington, DC. The 124-year-old university is the only liberal arts institution in the nation for deaf students. Mr. Jordan made national headlines when, at 47, he became the first deaf president of the school. Gallaudet’s board had appointed a president who was not deaf and did not know sign language. The faculty and students, upset by the decision, essentially shut down the university until Mr. Jordan, the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, was appointed to the position. Mr. Jordan said that he has become a spokesman for the hearing impaired, as well as an educator. He considered it his responsibility to stay at the center of the American consciousness. The interview was sign interpreted.

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    U.S. Special Operations Command

    The Senate Armed Services Committee held a hearing on U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM). General Raymond Thomas, the SOCOM commander, and Theresa Whelan, who is an acting assistant secretary for special operations, talked about several issues affecting the unified command including resource and budget challenges, readiness, training and cooperation with international partners, ongoing counter-ISIS operations, and the threats posed by Russian and North Korean aggression.

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    House Session, Part 1

    The House considered several bills and resolutions.

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    Talking Book and Braille Library

    New York State Librarian Bernie Margolis talked about the New York State Talking Book and Braille Library. Part of the Library of Congress, this federally-funded library provides Braille, recorded books, magazines and the necessary equipment to residents unable to read standard printed materials.
    C-SPAN’s Local Content Vehicles (LCVs) made a stop in their “2012 LCV Cities Tour” in Albany, New York to feature the history and literary life of the community. Working with the Time Warner Cable local affiliate, they visited literary and historic sites where local historians, authors, and civic leaders were interviewed. The history segments air on American History TV (AHTV) on C-SPAN3 and the literary events/non-fiction author segments air on BookTV on C-SPAN2.

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    Getting a Feel for Lunar Craters

    David Hurd talked about his book, Getting a Feel for Lunar Craters, which includes tactile diagrams and braille descriptions so the blind and visually impaired can experience the surface of the Earth’s moon.

    C-SPAN’s Local Content Vehicles (LCVs) made a stop in their “2013 LCV Cities Tour” in Erie, Pennsylvania, from September 16-20 to feature the history and literary life of the community. Working with the Time Warner Cable local affiliate, they visited literary and historic sites where local historians, authors, and civic leaders were interviewed. The history segments air on American History TV (AHTV) on C-SPAN3 and the literary events/non-fiction author segments air on BookTV on C-SPAN2.