Highlights This Holiday Weekend on American History TV

by NinaShelton

C-SPAN3's American History TV
8am Saturday - 8am, Tuesday, December 23-26, 2017
Three-Day Holiday Weekend


Saturday 6pm ET
The Civil War: Union General Joseph Hooker
Historian John Hennessy talks about Joseph Hooker, describing him as ambitious and aggressive on the battlefield, and as one who tried to get ahead by diminishing the accomplishments of those around him. This talk is part of Pamplin Historical Park's symposium called "Generals We Love to Hate," looking at some of the more controversial military leaders of the Civil War.


Saturday 8pm & midnight ET
Lectures in History: Federal Surveillance & Civil Rights
American University lecturer Aaron Bell teaches a class about privacy laws and federal surveillance of civil rights leaders. He describes the mid-20th century creation of the Counter Intelligence Program, often called CO-INTEL-PRO, and its tracking and infiltrating of domestic political organizations.


Saturday 10:30pm & Sunday 4:30pm ET
Vietnam War: Lessons Learned & Ignored
Former members of Congress and Vietnam War veterans participate in a discussion titled "Vietnam: Lessons Learned and Lessons Ignored." The National Archives and the U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress co-hosted the conversation.


Monday 8am & 8pm ET
U.S. Capitol Historical Society Freedom Award to Lin-Manuel Miranda
Playwright and actor Lin-Manuel Miranda accepts the U.S. Capitol Historical Society's 2017 Freedom Award for his work on the musical "Hamilton." Mr. Miranda spoke at the ceremony in the U.S. Capitol's Statuary Hall. Other speakers were House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, Rep. John Lewis of Georgia and Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.

American History TV. All weekend - every weekend. Only on C-SPAN3.