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Bruce Westerman


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    House Session

    The House considered several bills under suspension of the rules.

    View in Congressional Chronicle1,015 views
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    House Rules Committee Meeting on Social Spending Plan

    The House Rules Committee met to consider President Biden’s social spending proposal. Leadership from several House committees testified at the hearing in either support of or in opposition …

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    Morning Hour

    The House met for Morning Hour, with members permitted to speak on any topic.

    View in Congressional Chronicle843 views
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    House Session, Part 2

    The House considered a number of suspension bills concerning Native American lands and casino gaming.

    View in Congressional Chronicle413 views
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    House Session, Part 2

    The House debated the Senate-passed infrastructure bill. The legislation would fund roads, bridges, rail, and mass transit programs over the upcoming five years and also provide investments …

    View in Congressional Chronicle756 views
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    Hearing on the Government's COVID-19 Relief Efforts

    The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee held a hearing to examine the government’s COVID-19 pandemic relief efforts. Witnesses included inspectors general from the Justice, Tra…

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    House Session, Part 2

    The House passed a seven-bill federal spending package for fiscal year 2022, which includes funding for the Departments Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Transportation, Veterans …

    View in Congressional Chronicle1,076 views
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    House Session, Part 2

    The House voted down a resolution from Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to seat all five of his Republican choices to sit on the Select Committee to Inve…

    View in Congressional Chronicle469 views
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    House Session, Part 1

    The House considered 20 bills under suspension of the rules, including a measure to compensate CIA personnel who suffered brain injuries while serving in Havana, Cuba.

    View in Congressional Chronicle1,308 views
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    House Session

    The House passed the PFAS Action Act of 2021. The bill requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to designate perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) chemicals as hazardous and ma…

    View in Congressional Chronicle1,055 views
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    House Session

    The House in a 222-190 vote passed a bill to create a 13-member select committee to investigate the January 6, 2021, attack on U.S. Capitol. All Democrats voted in favor of the resolution, a…

    View in Congressional Chronicle2,493 views
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    House Session

    The House debated the rules governing four bills, approved suspension bills debated the previous day, and then passed two bills. In a 285-120 margin on the first measure, members voted to re…

    View in Congressional Chronicle1,202 views
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    House Session, Part 2

    The House approved the rule governing two bills, including the repeal of the 2002 authorization for use of military force (AUMF) against Iraq. Both bills were to be debated later in the week…

    View in Congressional Chronicle524 views
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    House Session

    The House passed a number of suspension bills related to veterans and land measures. Members passed another suspension bill that designates Pulse nightclub site in Orlando, Florida, as the N…

    View in Congressional Chronicle1,150 views
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    House Session

    The House voted 217-210 to approve the Paycheck Fairness Act. The bill changes the 1963 Equal Pay Act to eliminate different reasons businesses can give for different pay for men and women d…

    View in Congressional Chronicle765 views
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    House Session

    The House voted 222-204  to remove the deadline for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the Constitution. Members then voted 244-172 to reauthorize and update the Violenc…

    View in Congressional Chronicle1,802 views
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    House Session, Part 3

    The House passed H.R. 1, the For the People Act, which makes changes to campaign finance, voting, and ethics laws. Lawmakers also passed a police reform bill, the George Floyd Justice in Pol…

    View in Congressional Chronicle1,626 views
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    House Session, Part 2

    The House approved the debate rule for two upcoming bills. One concerns changes to campaign finance and ethics laws, and the other measure deals with police reform. The rule included correct…

    View in Congressional Chronicle783 views
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    House Session, Part 3

    The House passed a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 pandemic economic relief bill that included a $15 minimum wage increase.

    View in Congressional Chronicle2,923 views
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    House Session, Part 1

    The House debated the Protecting America’s Wilderness and Public Lands Act (H.R. 803). It combines eight measures designating wilderness areas and scenic rivers in California, Colorado, and …

    View in Congressional Chronicle6,098 views
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