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David Davis


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    Preparations for the U.K. to Leave the European Union

    David Davis, the secretary of state for exiting the European Union, testified before a British parliamentary committee on the preparations and negotiating objectives for “Brexit,” as that co…

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    United Kingdom's Exit from the European Union

    British Prime Minister Theresa May addressed the Conservative Party Conference for the first time as prime minister. The first day of the conference focused on the upcoming negotiations over…

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    Britain's Exit from the European Union

    A British parliamentary committee questioned the U.K.'s new Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, David Davis, on the logistical preparations in leaving the EU. Mr. Davis answer…

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    House of Commons Debates Chilcot Report

    The British House of Commons debated the Chilcot Report, a seven-year inquiry into the British decision to follow the U.S. in the invasion of Iraq. The report was particularly critical of fo…

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    Question Time

    Prime Minister David Cameron answered questions from members of his party and the opposition. Topics included the future of the U.K.'s membership in the European Union, childcare in Britain,…

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    Prime Minister David Cameron on U.K. Membership in the European Union

    Prime Minister David Cameron argued before members in the House of Commons on the case for Britain to stay in a reformed European Union. The United Kingdom was to vote on June 23, 2016, on w…