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Michael Bruce Curry


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    Congressional Vigil for January 6 Anniversary

    Congressional leaders and lawmakers marked the one year anniversary of the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol with a vigil on the steps of the Capitol.

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    Memorial Service for Bob Dole at National Cathedral

    A memorial service for former Senator Bob Dole (R-KS), the 1996 Republican presidential nominee, was held at the National Cathedral. Mr. Dole died December 5, 2021, at the age of 98. Speaker…

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    Funeral Service for Former Secretary of State Colin Powell

    A funeral service for Colin Powell, retired Army general and former secretary of state, was held at the Washington National Cathedral. Mr. Powell died from COVID-19 complications October 18,…

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    Religious Leaders' Comments to Reporters at the White House

    A group of religious leaders on the Circle of Protection Steering Committee spoke to reporters following a meeting at the White House to advocate for social programs and voting rights.

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    50th Anniversary of Apollo 8

    Titled “The Spirit of Apollo,” this ceremony from Washington National Cathedral commemorated the 50th anniversary of Apollo 8. On December 24, 1968, as they became the first humans to orbit …

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    President George H.W. Bush State Funeral Service

    On a National Day of Mourning, the remains of former President George H.W. Bush were taken from the United States Capitol to the Washington National Cathedral for a state funeral service. Pr…