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User Clip: NRA Boosts Advertisting After Mass Shootings

Social media giants make a lot more money every time we have a mass shooting event in this country. It happens because the NRA will spend l… read more

Social media giants make a lot more money every time we have a mass shooting event in this country. It happens because the NRA will spend large amounts on ads through their lobbying arm, the Institute for Legislative Action, immediately after the event happens. They also like to hurry up and have a rally at the location where many people are barely beginning the grieving process and are exhausted. This is not only insensitive, but it is a reflection of a culture that seems to place more value on their rights to own weapons than the rights of the people to grieve and process a major life-altering situation, not to mention all the money changing hands. The NRA also champions laws that, independent research shows, increase total rates of homicide and overall rates of violent crime. Long-term members are leaving the NRA and maybe it's because they feel like I do, like I drank the kool-aid back in my younger years, then lived a little, did some research on my own, and simply changed my close

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User Clip: NRA Boosts Advertisting After Mass Shootings

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C-SPAN Studio, Washington, District of Columbia, United States
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